The 10-in-105 Challenge in a nutshell...

The principle is simple - a challenge for Leah and Kate to both go out on at least 1 date with 10 guys in 105 days.... Hopefully find someone awesome, but at the very least have 20 stories between them to tell the world and learn something in the process!

Meet the Challengers...

Why are you doing this Challenge?

K:  I dont want to be the crazy cat lady throwing buckets of water on young kids in 10yrs time... Also, cause I hate the idea of onlne dating -but if you hate something enough - try it 10 times and usually your opinion of it changes - So thats exactly what i'm doing..

L:  Because in a moment of weakness, Katie talked me into it!!!  But there is always the chance that I might meet someone pretty special along the way, so what the hell......

Your ideal guy is....

K: Intelligent, honest, sporty and loyal.... and also willing to agree that my dog is the cutest in the world - no exceptions.

L: In a fantasy world – tall, tanned, handsome, Irish, brown hair, blue eyes, muscles, great sense of humour, loves to travel and have fun....  In the real world – Someone genuine and caring who loves life and puts their family and friends first, who makes me laugh and has a passion for travel and trying new things.

First Thing You Notice About a Guy...
K:  I notice a guy’s smell first – sometimes I can be walking down the supermarket and I smell a guy before I see him. Guys cologne is like my krypotonite – all of a sudden I can be unable to speak or concentrate – closely followed by a guys confidence. A confident, nice smelling guy is completely irresistible.!.
L:  Physically it's his eyes.... but I'm usually drawn to guys more because of the way they carry themselves and interact with their mates - I'm with Katie - confidence goes a long way!
Biggest Turnoff..

K:  If he's smelly or dishonest

L:  Arrogance - no one wants to hang around with someone who thinks he is too good for everyone else

Celebrity Crushes..

K: Kelly Slater & Lucas O'Neil,  oh, and Leah is right, Paul Walker!

L:  Gerard Butler, Paul Walker and Alex O'Loughlin


Unknown said...

Has to have a sense of humour and make you laugh!

Katie said...

Totally agree Ambs - someone who is willing to laugh at me, with me, and at themselves....

Anonymous said...

COM'ON LEAH!!!!! KATE'S KICKIN YO ASS SISTA!!! (by the way - Kate - your doing great guns!!)

It might just be almost spruke-ing time at the local, or send an intranet message round that great big building of yours, for a 'lonely on your lunchbreak?? come have a memorable hour with the lovely Leah - what have you guys got to loose?' and maybe even put in - your shout?

just a suggestion, but im just LOVING reading all this. love the idea!

love Jodz

Leah said...

Hahaha.... thanks for pointing that out Jodz! :-) I've been working stupid hours so no time to date just yet... but I promise I've already started working on lining up a few boys....! Stay tuned for L-1 soon!

Jodz said...

Cant wait to read about

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