The 10-in-105 Challenge in a nutshell...

The principle is simple - a challenge for Leah and Kate to both go out on at least 1 date with 10 guys in 105 days.... Hopefully find someone awesome, but at the very least have 20 stories between them to tell the world and learn something in the process!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Am i being too picky ...K3

Dating sucks - For all of you that are loved up - consider yourself lucky - Any thought you'd ever given about how it would be nice to be footloose and free, single and spectacular, flirty and thirty etc etc. .. let me tell you, the grass is not greener...I'm begging you to send your partner an email right now and tell em how lucky you feel to have them.

Don't get me wrong - I've loved being single - the only problem comes when you're ready to find someone.. and can't..

Take today for example... K3...  We have been emailing for a few days now - he cracks me up.. He's funny, he's smart, he's seems truly lovely.... What more could i want... In fact, I couldn't wait for our first official date on Sunday - so we met for lunch today.

Vital Stats

Name: K3
Age: 30
Occupation: Accountant
Meet place: Lunch in the park

And then i saw his forehead...

I'm not being picky - but honestly, one must consider the potential for procreation - and theres no way I want a child whose forehead can be seen from outer space... Imagine you're doing a Google Earth search and you are amazed when you can see the Great Barrier Reef from Space... and the Great Wall of China.. and then my childs forehead.. no thanks.

I'm no supermodel i admit - and i know looks shouldn't be a massive factor - but there comes a time when it really does make a difference. I swear his profile picture was not to scale...

So now i'm torn - what to do ... So i've left this one to you guys - please use the poll and i'll take your advice as to whether or not we catch up again..

Thanking you in advance



Sharpie said...

Mmmm... Look into bandanas??? Brett Michaels has one, I hear they are making a comeback!

MJ said...

It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. ~Leo Tolstoy

Alison said...

give him another chance!!
he cant help how he looks - your body is just a vessel for your soul! take
it up with god if you dont like it. is it really that bad???

Katie said...

I do admit, this is very shallow on my behalf... Children are starving and i'm worried about big foreheads..

I think it says more about me than him....

Even so for his sake i'll take it up with the big fellow - Dear God,....


KFO said...

I'm with AO. Forehead aside, you seem to get along and he made you laugh.... maybe its worth another shot.

Leah said...

Forehead aside, don't go out with him again just because he's a nice guy. Trust me - it just makes it harder later down the track! You need some sort of attraction - regardless of whether it's to his personality or looks, otherwise it's just not going to work.

Anonymous said...

You know what they say, big forehead...large hat

Unknown said...

Watched Shallow Hal on the weekend... Reminds me of someone I know from work?

Katie said...

I'm not mean just misunderstood....

Josh said...

i think we need some sort of example from another person to make a valued judgement, is there any celeb / famous people with a proprtional problem?

Kate said...

yes... ok take the movie Conehead and we have the long lost hair, just forehead... I'm honestly not looking for a "hot" guy - but this is a very disproportionate head we're talking bout.. .i'd say at least 3 times the average male head....

Anonymous said...

Are you sure he wasn't simply a tall dwarf?! Now those guys have some big spams....

All jokes aside though, if there is no attraction, there is no attraction. It isn't something you can invent no matter how much you want to.

Don't beat yourself up about it KL. Bring on K4.

TW said...

Does he need a longer fringe to cover the forehead? Perhaps a change in hairstyle and you are with your soul mate?

Anonymous said...

Did you happen to notice any bolts protruding from the temples?

alan said...

trust your instincts and ditch him Lockey. If the physical attraction isn't there then it is game over I think. It is pretty amusing though - sounds like a Seinfeld episode!

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