The 10-in-105 Challenge in a nutshell...

The principle is simple - a challenge for Leah and Kate to both go out on at least 1 date with 10 guys in 105 days.... Hopefully find someone awesome, but at the very least have 20 stories between them to tell the world and learn something in the process!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

K4 Reformed bad boy - or all round good guy

I haven't always been single- but I have always had terrible judgment when it comes to guys... Once when a guy was telling me how he didn't want a serious relationship, I was busy thinking how cute that anecodote would in a speech at our our wedding reception.... or the time when my boyfriend told me slept with another girl on my birthday - I managed to convince myself that I was lucky to have found such an "honest" guy.... Even when i found out my partner was illegally importing firearms, I almost thought that was entrepreneurial and I thought I could convince him to diversify into textiles or whitegoods instead.....

When you see a nice guy - I see a big forehead - When you see a drunken guy fertilizing a pot plant with his vomit - I see a guy that clearly eats vegetables and is a keen gardener... So my point is - girls might not necessarily like the bad boy - but I seem to be attracted to the allure of a challenge.

A few months ago, a friend mentioned a uni friend of hers that might be a good catch - So in the spirit of the 10-in-105 challenge I finally decided to email him and invite him out for my second ever blind date.

Vital Stats

Name: K4

Age: 30

Occupation: Accountant (yeah, I know i'll have to avoid any Accounting conventions soon!)

Meet Place: 6.30pm - The Groove Train (Riverside restaurant/bar)

This time I wasn't nervous - this challenge is definitely getting easier.. Instead of being crazy nervous, I was actually looking forward to meeting K-4.

First impressions of K-4 were tall, dark and pretty cute!... He was friendly, and chatty and very easy to talk to... After a couple of drinks, we decided to settle in for dinner .... The thing about K-4 is that he had me intrigued in that despite his successful career now - he alluded to having a complicated past.... He was honest, without being over-indulgent in details, friendly without being fake, and left me with a feeling that I want to know more about him.

We seem to have very similar interests now but our vastly different life experiences in the past makes me wonder if its a perfect complement to my brady bunch upbringing or if i'm repeating old mistakes and biting off more than I can chew.
After dinner I actually had to leave as my car was about to be locked into a parking garage overnight...K-4 paid for dinner, while I paid for most of the drinks. We said goodbye on a traffic island in the middle of the road, and narrowly missed getting absolutely saturated by a heavy storm that arrived about 60 seconds after we said goodbye.

K-4 sent a txt later on saying he had a great night and would like to catch up again...And you know what - I like him so I think that just might happen...But as I said at the start, I haven't always had the best judgement, so I"ll take your advice - pls vote in the poll and tell me what to do!!!!

Date Potential: 4/5.

A special mention to Olga - who despite sewerage leaks in the work gym ( our makeshift dressing room for dates), competing social events and heavy work loads - continually offers her help in styling my hair, applying my makeup and adding accessories to my date outfits... thanks so much for your help!!!...


Katie said...

A massive apology to everyone that commented on K4.. In my enthusiasm, I have accidentally deleted the whole K4 entry. I managed to retrive the blog, but lost your comments. Please be assured, this will never happen again.. We love your comments, so pls keep them coming....

Sharpie said...

Something's telling me it's not the last time we are gonna hear about K-4.
BY the way, love the "after the initial date" link at the top. As avid readers we get emotionally involved with the dates and wanna know what happens after they become another notch on the blogosphere. We'll stay tuned!

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