The 10-in-105 Challenge in a nutshell...

The principle is simple - a challenge for Leah and Kate to both go out on at least 1 date with 10 guys in 105 days.... Hopefully find someone awesome, but at the very least have 20 stories between them to tell the world and learn something in the process!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here it is...L1 is FINALLY done and dusted... although maybe not dusted quite yet....

L1 (who used to be L2 for those keeping track) and I have been chatting for about 2 weeks now... and although dates have been suggested... I’ve always found a convenient excuse to delay our meeting... now I’m asking myself WHY?

Vital Stats:
Name: L1
Age: 29
Occupation: Project Manager
Meet Place: 12:30pm – outside my work

Up until this morning, my date with L1 was a mere suggestion... another ‘potential’ date for me to worm my way out of... nothing was concrete... stress levels were low (excluding those related to the date tonight!). Then before I knew it... the date was locked in, my stylist was booked (thanks again Olga!) and the plans were set.

The date started off with an apology text message from him saying he would be 5 minutes late... not a good start I think, but a few deep breaths, some babbling emails, a pep talk with myself and a nervous trip to the loo and I was on my way to meet him. After waiting for what seemed like forever (ok... maybe 2 minutes...) I had a phone call from him saying he was still on his way... new meeting point – outside Central Pub. My initial thoughts... his voice sounded young and nervous but friendly.

The thing I’ve found about this challenge (in the limited participation I’ve had to date!) is that with the pressure of so many dates, there is a need to judge the dates in everything they do... to find faults where perhaps you wouldn’t under normal circumstances. But the circumstances of 10-in-105 are anything but normal, and so the judging continues...

My initial assessment when L1 walked down the street was that he looked like a nice guy, who was well dressed and cute.  I also noticed he had a pair of incredibly blue eyes :-)

On entering the pub, we went straight up to order our meals... and for those who are guaranteed to ask - we ended up paying for our own meals – fine by me I thought, cause then if the date went badly and I wanted to do a runner I wouldn’t feel like I owed him anything! Next stop was the bar... and whilst he attempted to order himself a glass of ice water... I soon talked him into the benefits of a glass of wine instead :-)

As far as guys go... L1 is pretty hard to fault. He’s funny AND good looking, he’s a sparky by trade but has branched into project management for a challenge.... he loves to stay fit by going to the gym and playing touch footy... he loves to try new things as a way of stepping out of his comfort zone and meeting new people... he loves dogs...  and he has just started volunteering his time for a great cause.

Conversation throughout the date was easy and unforced and he even made a few apologies - one for being unshaven (which trust me was not a bad thing – who doesn’t love a 5 o’clock shadow?), one for a haircut gone wrong (which I thought looked really good) and one for appearing nervous (although I’m pretty sure I was more nervous than him!).

The date ended after we both realised we were running late to get back to work... so we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.... (and for those that will ask – no there was no kiss – I’ve only just met the guy!) He also asked if he can see me on the weekend for lunch... and you know what....? I think he might just be worth giving up a weekend for........ :-)

DATE POTENTIAL: 4/5 – I’d definitely see him again... plus he owes me a glass of wine ;-)

P.S. - L1’s suggestion for when I came back to work and got bombarded with questions from inquisitive (yet well intentioned!) friends and colleagues was to walk in looking upset and say that all he was interested in was booking a room by the hour.... on the contrary... he was an absolute gentleman the entire time.

P.P.S. - In the time it has taken me to write this (which would have been less time if certain people stopped harassing me with questions!) I have already had a text from L1 telling me I am one cool lass and it was great to meet me :-)


Katie said...

Game on Sista!!!! - 4/5 for # 1 - thats awesome!!!!.... I'm very excited for you...and he is entirely correct - you are a very cool lass ;-).

10-in-105 diaries said...

OK, it just so happens that both my husband and I happened to be in the same restaurant as Leah and L1. Of course we acted like we didn't know and possibly even slightly dislike each other but as you can imagine the curiosity was killing me and I couldn't help but steal a few sneak peeks.... Good looking part is definitely confirmed!!! You are off to a great start, Leah!

Anonymous said...

looks like we have a real contest on our hands now!

Josh said...

Great blog BTW. Definately seems like there is plenty of substance in L1, seems like L2 has got a job ahead of him.

MaTT said...

Ooh Lookout Katie! I think Leah found a good one!
Bring on the next one!!

Sandra said...

I can't believe after all this procrastination your first date turned out to be so good! Go girl! PS I said to Kate reading this makes me want to join the dating scene, though maybe not the steve urkel with man boobs deal....

Leah said...

Hahaha.... Round 2 of 10-in-105 has your name all over it Sandra!

Sandra said...

It will be the sequel! Who wants to challenge me......

katie said...

Ohhhh game on ... thats the spirit.. I love it... :-).. We'll find you a competitor!

Jodz said...

L1 - ahhh, sparky! love a guy with a trade :)

next step, would be nice to get a sneak peak of these peops!! hard coming up with faces in my mind (thinking back to the forehead dude was pretty funny though)

Leah said...

Haha... yeah... would love to post their pics, but we thougt it would be best to keep them completely anonymous and not use names/photos... after all, we're the ones that signed up to embarass ourselves, not them. :-P

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