The 10-in-105 Challenge in a nutshell...

The principle is simple - a challenge for Leah and Kate to both go out on at least 1 date with 10 guys in 105 days.... Hopefully find someone awesome, but at the very least have 20 stories between them to tell the world and learn something in the process!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Twisties anyone....? L-2

So I’m sitting in bed at 11:30pm on a Wednesday night, eating a dinner consisting entirely of twisties, my car is spending the night at the train station and I feel like I might need to do a mad dash to the bathroom at any moment to be sick... and I ask myself... How did I get here....?

L-2 (or Bond as he had become known to me), like K-1... was part of the reason this challenge came about. Both gentleman were discovered prior to the conception of 10-in-105... with a conversation going something a little like this...

Me: Katie, if you go on a date with (K1), I will go on a date with (L2).
Katie: I’ve got an idea... lets do 10 dates between now and when we leave for South America in 105 days
Me: (excuse) (excuse) (procrastination) Ah.... why not....
Olga:  Awesome!  And lets put it on the net!!!

L-2 and I have spent much time talking since we first met, and have rarely spent less than 2 hours chatting on any one occasion. He seemed funny and chatty without being sleazy, and was easy to have a chat with about nothing in particular. He had major strikes against his name from the start for being both A) Victorian and B) a Collingwood supporter... but I was willing to overlook that in the hope that he might be someone special...

Vital Stats:
Name: L2
Age: 31
Occupation: Travel Agent
Meet Place: Outside 7-11, corner of Adelaide and Creek St, Brisbane 7:30pm

After cancelling on him a week earlier, there was zero chance I was risking another cancellation with L2 (who was previously L1 for those of you following the “Coming Soon” section). He didn’t get off work til 7:30pm, so to kill time (after seeing my stylist of course!) I went and had a cheeky glass of wine (or two...) with a very good friend.

Feeling a little less nervous and a little more brave, I ventured down to the meeting point to meet my L-2. My first impressions was that whilst I had spent time curling hair and re-applying make-up and wearing something pretty... he was there in jeans and a t-shirt (and not an especially nice one at that...). My second thought for the evening (and I promise I’m not being picky or harsh – just telling it how it was and what I saw...) is that he had man boobs. That aside, previous conversations made me think he might just be worth the effort of getting to know a little better....

Whilst we were supposed to meet for a drink AND dinner.... we went to our first destination (The Boardwalk for those playing at home) and had a couple of beverages while chatting about his work (in the travel industry), travel, and AFL. We then moved to our second destination (Pig ‘N’ Whistle) for more drinks... where we talked about (you guessed it) more travel and AFL. Don’t get me wrong... travel and AFL are two of my biggest loves.... but there really has to be more to a relationship (albeit a new one) than two reoccurring topics...

By 10pm I was feeling bored of the same conversations, tired, hungry (we never did get to have dinner...) and a little more than seedy, so we said our goodbyes and I jumped in a cab homeward bound. I can’t say I enjoyed the date (although it wasn't unbearable and I’m 110% certain it could have been worse...) and for the sake of making it easier to end any ties... I’m hoping he didn’t either. I guess it just goes to show, people are entirely different in the online world than they are in person, and just because someone ticks all the right boxes on paper doesn't mean you'll connect with them.

Date Potential: 2/5 – I didn’t get the urge to run out of the date 10 minutes in, but I do not intend to go back for round 2...

P.S. - Now I have the pleasure of having to catch the bus to work, hungover and tired..... note to self..... mid week dates are much better at lunchtime!


Katie said...

I definitely agree that theres no substitute for meeting someone in person..Shame that he turned out more like Steve Urkel than James Bond - but hey -bring on contestant number 3 cause theres an awesome guy out there waiting to be found!!!!!!

MaTT said...

Nice one Leah !! C'mon it's all about the man boobs isnt it. This blog is classic!!

Anonymous said...

OK conversation aside, what sort of a guy plans to meet for a date on Origin night???????

Leah said...

Hahaha... a Victorian one! :-P I did spend a bit of time trying to watch the game over his shoulder!

Sharpie said...

This blog IS classic... Great reading, ladies!

Just in the interest of due diligence I wanna make sure that you didn't mistake well-developed pecks for man-boobs, (moobs, if you wanna be in with the cool crowd). By the way, did you hug him when you saw him?

Leah said...

Nope... they were definitely moobs.... No hug when we greeted each other (just didn't seem right). I went for the kiss on the cheek approach instead.

tyler durden said...

im sorry i have no way of helping with L-3 (my perfect blind date) it turns out you guys in fact no each other, and apparently that may be awkward for some people involved... ps- i heard coffees are on between 9.30 and 10.30 as the chad (name has been change to protect everyone involved)

tyler durden said...

will be their that is

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the entertaining reading Ladies. Leah, I can believe you expected anything else from a Collingwood Supporter. Stay true to your roots! Daddy will say "That's my girl - Keeping track of the State of Origin". Good luck with no 3.

Leah said...

Well I couldn't let the entire night be a complete waste... and I am a QLDer after all... As for the Collingwood thing, I should have known! I refuse to even pick them in the tipping comp so it was doomed from the start :-P

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