The 10-in-105 Challenge in a nutshell...

The principle is simple - a challenge for Leah and Kate to both go out on at least 1 date with 10 guys in 105 days.... Hopefully find someone awesome, but at the very least have 20 stories between them to tell the world and learn something in the process!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Whats the difference between Columbia and Cambodia anyway... K-2

I'm writing this the morning after Date # 2 and I have a category 4 hangover, am wearing the same clothes I wore to work yesterday and I haven't been home yet..... but i might be getting ahead of myself, so why don't I just take a step back and start at the start....

Last Sunday i was visiting my old flatmate, and very good friend and happened to mention the 10-in-105 Challenge, and to my great surprise she volunteered a mate of her boyfriends, right there on the spot.. All I had to do apparently was be free on Thursday night and she assured me the rest would work out as she would provide both of us with each others email addresses...

So, sitting at work, i felt more nervous than a 16yr trying to sell door-to-door vaccuum cleaners, but i sent an email to K-2 suggesting a date and he agreed!..

Vital Stats
Name: K-2
Age: 39
Occupation: Structural Engineer
Meet Place: 6pm Boardwalk (Riverside bar for those interstate)

I can honestly say i've never been more nervous than i was Thurs afternoon.. I knew absolutely nothing about K-2, had never even seen a picture and I was only hours away from my first blind date...I'm sure everyone on my floor at work may have thought i'd eaten something bad at lunch, or that i was pregnant cause i'm sure i did about 20 nervous trips to the toilet between 4.30 -5.30... ;-)

Initial Impressions:  I arrived at the bar, and saw a guy sitting by himself reading a book and I instantly thought thats an awesome way of not having to look like a goose like you're looking for someone you've never seen... so the onus was on me to approach him (am def going to use that tactic myself in future).  K-2 is taller than me in boots, blonde, and obviously an athelete... not a bad start I think..

With my heart racing at an abnormal speed I sit down and notice the book is a Lonely Planet guide to Columbia... at which point i say "awesome choice of holiday destination"... he goes "oh really, why is that"... !)..If only at that point, i had chosen to keep my mouth shut....cause my next bit of wisdom went something like this "oh, cause for my next big trip, i really want to do Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Columbia...  Then i realise my mistake...... OMG - what an idiot - how do you cover that up , like you're just going to trip across to Columbia from Vietnam... Some stupid part of my brain was processing Cambodia... not Columbia!!  i wanted to run.. i wanted to fake a heartattack or just get the hell out of there... I have no idea what happened to my brain - i have been looking at South America maps every day for the last 265 days - I know exactly where Columbia is..great first impression i thought (god help me if he's blogging about me today)..

Anyway, after throwing back my vino to calm myself - the conversation flowed easy.. He's sporty, he's funny and he isn't afraid to say what he thinks... (or show me the txts he was sending to his friends about me while i went to the toilet)...

2 bottles of wine later and after dinner (noone told me he was a vegetarian... i may not have ordered the steak sandwich if i knew!!) i decide its time to leave...

I find out the hard way, my spare clothes are locked in the gym at work and i can't access them - so no pj's or fresh work clothes for me in the am..... K-2 walks me  to the taxi rank, we say goodbye and i head for my parents house, where i quietly let myself in and crawl into the spare room... 

btw.. Shame on you all for thinking i went home with him!!!! - I'm not that kinda girl..


Date Potential 3.5/5 - I'd see him again for sure if he asks me and would be interested to see if we get along just as well sober, as we do after a few bottles of Marlborough courage



Leah said...

Ok Katie.... I think I've given you enough of a head start now.... GAME ON! :-)

Stuart said...

Thats a pretty good read. I remember nights like that in my past, before i found miss perfect.

Leah, you definitely need to use and abuse the opportunities that the races presents.

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